Wilderness Shores Recreation
Wilderness Shores consists of more than 25 wilderness
recreation areas where visitors can explore a variety of
memorable outdoor experiences.
The recreation areas at Wilderness Shores have been
developed by Wisconsin Electric Power Company near 13
hydroelectric plants in Northern Wisconsin and the Upper
Peninsula of Michigan. They are part of a hydroelectric
system that helps provide electric power to homes,
businesses and industries in the area, while at the same
time, conserving the natural resources of the North

Wilderness Shores are Easy To Reach... For an
afternoon, a week, or a weekend . . . in any season of the
year . . . Wilderness Shores is not far away. All recreation
areas are semi-wilderness and within 40 miles of Iron
Mountain, Michigan. They can be reached with a minimum of
travel time. Only a three-hour drive from Appleton; five
hours from Milwaukee and Madison; seven hours from Chicago
and Minneapolis; and eleven from Detroit.
You can fish, camp or relax lazily in the sun. For
bird-watchers, the area is home to numerous species. If you
enjoy hiking, trails are being improved and new ones
developed. In season, hunters are welcome to pursue their
favorite game. This is the haunt of the whitetail deer and
elusive ruffed grouse. It is a nature-watcher's paradise.
Waterfowl and small game animals abound. In winter, ice
fishing and cross country skiing reward visitors with a
close-up glimpse of an unfamiliar world wardrobed in white.
Boaters and fishermen will find parking and launching
facilities at nearly all areas. Canoeists will find portages
around hydroelectric plants marked on the map, but are
advised to exercise caution around these portages and any
unmarked rapids that may occur on some stretches of

This vast outdoor playground is open to all. Wisconsin
Electric asks only that you follow the few simple rules
posted at the recreation areas. Their purpose is to make
your stay at Wilderness Shores more enjoyable and to ensure
that all visitors leave with pleasant memories of a natural
world relatively undisturbed by the encroachment of people.
PREPARING FOR ADVENTURE... To preserve the semi-wilderness
character of Wilderness Shores areas, development is kept to
a minimum. Unauthorized use of off-road vehicles is
prohibited. To enjoy a unique, primitive camping experience,
bring all your camping needs with you - including your
drinking water. Vault type toilets are provided at most
areas. Necessary staples and supplies can be obtained at
nearby towns and villages.
When fishing boundary waters - the Menominee and Brule
rivers separating Michigan and Wisconsin - you can use a
fishing license from either state. On inland waters, only a
license from that particular state will be honored. A
well-stocked first aid kit is recommended, too, for some
areas are many miles from the nearest doctor. If you don't
want to rough it, a place to stay is never far away. Cabins,
resorts and motels abound in this unique vacationland.
Wilderness Shores Recreation Area
Pine River Flowage in Florence County, WI
Boat Launch
3 Campsites with picnic table and fire
Bring your drinking water
For more information, contact
Wisconsin Electric Power Company
WE Energies
800 Industrial Park Drive
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
Phone: 906-779-2479
Map showing some of the
Wilderness Shores Recreation Areas
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