Trails for beginning, intermediateand expert skiers.
Skiing a variety of topography, journeying out a long distancebefore returning, or stopping at one of the scenic overlooks to restare all things you may do when you ski Hancock's Maasto Hiihto.Trails for beginning, intermediate and expert skiers.
The trail is located in the city of Hancock and can be accessedfrom many points. The main trailhead is located at the HoughtonCounty Arena.
Grooming is performed with a Tucker 5-7 days per week. Thetrails are groomed through a joint agreement between the City ofHancock and the Keweenaw Nordic Ski Club.
QUINCY LOOP- 2.5 km - Easy Gently rolling terrain.
ST. URHO'S LOOP - 2.5 km Easy
GORGE LOOP - 6.5 km intermediate to expert. Rolling terrainincludes picnic spot and beautiful vistas. Take the River Trailshortcut and cross the breathtaking Swedetown creek 4 times.
AUSTRALIA LOOP - 3.5 km Intermediate- Beautiful overlooks, morepronounced rolling terrain.
YOOPER LOOPER - 1.5 km Intermediate - Similar to above.
MIETO LOOP - 1 km - Expert Down, down, hairpin turn, up, up -not for the meek.
COST: Daily Membership Pass $2.00. Annual Membership pass: $15for an individual, $20/family. Children ski free.