Slay Your Goals: How to Beat Winter Break Laziness Like a Boss

The Christmas period is over, and no matter how much you dislike it, you have to get back to your studies and work.
But, of course, that post-Christmas blues will not let you go that easily. And, as a result, you don't feel like doing
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of your writing assignments. But it's not only writing assignments that you don't feel like doing. You cannot find enough
energy for anything.
You feel like if you had a chance to spend the rest of the winter in hibernation, you would eagerly do just that.
Unfortunately, that's not how things are meant to be for most of us. And you had to return to your daily routines.
But what to do with all that laziness? What to do about that complete lack of motivation to do anything? Well, first,
let's check out your symptoms. You need to know what exactly is going on with you to know how to fight it.
- Anxiety
- Moodiness
- Extreme laziness
- Lack of motivation
- Apathy
Sounds familiar? Well, those symptoms allow you to diagnose yourself with post-holiday or, more precisely, post-Christmas
blues. Talk to your shrink or get a shrink if you don't have one. Therapy should help, and as no one with a degree in
psychology is involved in the writing of this article, we cannot advise any further. But if you're not so sure that it's
post-Christmas blues, we can offer something else.
Ask yourself: Did the apathy and laziness that you're experiencing start after the Christmas holidays or approximately
two months earlier? If so, then congratulations, you don't have to spend extra money on the shrink. It's typical winter
laziness. You feel less motivated when the temperature goes down. And fighting it is more or less easy.
Ditch That Demonic Criticism
Let's be honest: the main reason why you are here reading this is your inner criticism. Part of you may think that something
is wrong with you and that you need to take steps to improve your mental and physical state.
But there's another part of you that is constantly nagging you that you're not being productive enough. That you need to
accomplish this or that, despite the fact that you find even the simplest work and study tasks tedious.
Now, to make things a bit clear, we are not telling you to shut that inner voice and procrastinate full-force. But
does that constant nagging actually help? No. It brought you here, and that's enough. If you force yourself out of your
laziness, you may be extremely productive for a day or two, but then you will come to a complete halt.
What you need is to get accustomed to your current state and develop a new, slower pace of productivity. This way,
you will be able to get back to your normal pace by the time spring comes.
Focus on Small Goals
Oh, yes, most of us have this gargantuan main goal that we need to accomplish this year. The goal that you have promised
yourself to achieve on Christmas or New Year's Eve. But now it feels extremely distant. Miles, if not light years, away.
And constantly thinking about it only brings that nagging inner voice back. And you remember that you should keep it quiet.
So, instead of focusing on that one big goal that you were planning to achieve, why not focus on smaller things that you
have to do on a daily basis?
You might have certain things that you have to do this week regarding your studies or part-time job. Maybe it's an essay
that you have delegated to write to
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Perhaps you need to call and figure out what went wrong with the software on that particular client's device. After all,
you want to be at peace, right?
Well, doing everything on time allows you to have more peace during this lazy winter period. Set small goals that you have
to achieve throughout the week. That will prepare you to get back on track with your major goal.
Do Something That Makes You Feel Good (Aside From Sleeping)
We've already said that all you want to do is sleep through this period, but you obviously can't. So, you need to think
about other activities that bring you pleasure and make you feel good.
Is it watching your favorite movies or discovering new ones? Is it reading books? Do it. It will keep you away from complete h
ibernation and will get you in the mood. If it's physical activity, you are a bit limited because of the weather conditions,
but there's always an alternative.
Maybe jogging or running is not the best thing that you can do in winter, but why not walk? Besides, you can move some of
your outdoor activities indoors. Don't start with the fact that the gym is too expensive for you: you can do air squats,
bicep curls, and push-ups at home or even in your dorm room.
But here's one thing that you should remember. Don't force yourself to do everything at once. Start small. Do it little by
little, and then you'll get back on track to your usual physical activity. The main thing is not to pressure yourself.
Closing Thoughts

It could've been the standard article calling you to act as if nothing is wrong with you. It's okay to feel more lazy than
usual during winter. But that doesn't mean that you have to remain indolent throughout three months. It may well lead to
disastrous outcomes, education- and career-wise.
Yet, you don't have to force yourself to squeeze out energy that you don't have. Start small, and little by little, you'll
regain your standard amount of energy.
The Upper Peninsula Traveler