Seney, Michigan in the Upper Peninsula Just 77 miles northwest of
the Mackinac Bridge Seney, Michigan is located on Highway M 28 at the junction of Highway M 77 in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It is 25 miles south of Grand Marais, 30 miles west of Newberry, 20 miles northwest of Curtis and 34 miles east of Munising. Seney is approximately half-way between Lake Michigan and Lake Superior. Seney, MI is a small, friendly town, a four season recreational center, located near the Seney National Wildlife Refuge. Many fun outdoor activities for all seasons await you in the immediate area. There are motels, cabins, restaurants, a bar & grill, bank, gas, museum and a post
office in the town. Lodging, Businesses, and Attractions in the Seney area. You can drive, hike, bike, or canoe through the Seney National Wildlife Refuge and view or photograph the wildlife. The Refuge also permits limited fishing and hunting. Please check at the Visitors Center for the latest information and exhibits. Seney is a great location to visit in all seasons.Try a fall color tour, fishing, hunting, canoeing, mountain biking, backpacking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing or snowmobiling. Seney is the crossroads for the snowmobile trails coming from Munising, Curtis, Newberry and Grand Marais so you can easily travel anywhere in the Upper Peninsula. Equipment rental
s are available throughout the area. The Fox River, running through Seney, is a picturesque stream flowing southeasterly from Alger and Northen Schoolcraft counties. Campgrounds providing access to the river system are located near Seney. The Fox River and the upper Fox River with its branches, The East Branch, West Branch and the Little Fox - offer some of the finest Brook Trout fishing in the state. Natural production is more than sufficient to maintain good populations, although 12,000 Brook Trout are planted annually in the main branch.  The Seney Township Park on the Fox River is only 7/10ths of a mile down School Street. (Turn north at the the gas station) Here you will find camping spaces with electricity and a few prim
itive camping spots, a playground, and picnic area. There are a limited number of spaces so get there early. For a delightful canoe trip, put in at the Fox River State Forest Campground off of Highway M-77, head downstream to the Seney Township Park. Take your lunch and enjoy the quiet, twisty stream. If you like to fish, the trout are hiding under sweeping brush and in deep clear pools. You might want to hike the Fox River Pathway, a 27 mile hiking trail starting at the Park and ending at Kingston Lake, near the Pictured Rocks National Park. There is a campground on the Fox River, just 6 miles from the start of the trail. You can also enjoy fishing in the many lakes and rivers nearby. The Fox can be fished from the shore or in a canoe. Snyder Lake has a boat ramp, restroom, and is easily accessible. Pan fish are plentiful and can
be fished year-around. The Seney Museum, located in the old railroad building, is having Michigan Tech University at Houghton, Michigan prepare a Hemingway exhibit which will be opening soon. The museum has some Hemingway memorabilia and other interesting exhibits from the logging industry, which was so important to the history of this area.  Author Ernest Hemingway visited here in 1919. He got off the train at Seney, hiked to the East Branch of the Fox River, apparently camped with the blueberry pickers, fished and spent the night. He wrote about Seney in one of his Nick Adams stories called "The Big Two-Hearted River". Many people thought he wrote about fishing on the Two Hearted River, a romantically named river about 25 miles north of
Seney, in an unsuccessful effort to keep his fishing hole a secret. He really camped on the East Branch of the Fox River. "Nick held the rod in his right hand, letting the line run out through his fingers. There was a long tug. Nick struck and the rod came alive and dangerous, bent double, the line tightening, coming out of water, tightening, all in a heavy, dangerous, steady pull.  As he put on pressure the line tightened into sudden hardness and beyond the logs a huge trout went high out of water. As he jumped, Nick lowered the tip of the rod. But he felt, as he dropped the tip to ease the strain, the moment when the strain was too great, the hardness too tight. Of course, the leader had broken. There was no mistaking the feeling when all spring left the lin
e and it became dry and hard. Then it went slack. His mouth dry, his heart down, Nick reeled in. He had never seen so big a trout. There was a heaviness, a power not to be held, and then the bulk of him, as he jumped. He looked as broad as a salmon. Nick's hand was shaky. He reeled in slowly. The thrill had been too much. He'd bet the trout was angry. Anything that size would be angry. That was a trout." from Ernest Hemingway, The Big Two-Hearted River Upper Peninsula Towns and Cities Page the Upper Peninsula Traveler Exploring the North Home Page E-Mail Webmaster |