Mountain Biking at Grand Marais,Michigan

The Eastern Gateway to

The Pictured Rocks


There are over 300 miles of mapped trails, offering somethingfor everyone from beginner to advanced. The trail system is locatedin one of the remotest areas of the state and takes you throughpristine forests, along the shore of Lake Superior, and on roads nearthe Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.

The Grand Marais area has excellent amenities including cabins,house rentals, motels, a century-old hotel, campgrounds, restaurants,galleries, gift shops, and a variety of restaurants.

There are seven trails that comprise the Grand Marais trailsystem. You can either bike from town, which will include somepavement and longer rides, or you can drive to the trail heads andbike from there. Each of the trails is described below.


Mountain BikeTrails


NOTE: Because of the remoteness of the area, it is a good ideato inform someone of your intended destination and expected returntime prior to your departure, in case you have an equipment breakdownor other problem. While on the trails, please watch out for wildlifethat may cross the road in front of you. The old logging roads anddeserted two-tracks will also challenge you with fallen trees,intermittent streams, and other hazards. Finally, although the routeswe have selected are in the back country, please watch for vehicles,especially on H58.

TRAIL 1 Log Slide Trail (39miles)
I. Travel H58 west one mile to Sable Falls. Enjoy a short walk to theFalls, down to Lake Superior, or into Grand Sable Dunes.
II. Continue on H58 west for two miles to the Sable Lake VisitorsCenter. Stop to talk with the rangers and view the displays.
III. Continue a half-mile to Grand Sable Lake where the pavement endsand back country roads begin.
IV. Travel west past the Rhody Creek Intersection for a total of fourmiles, following the signs to the Logslide, where you can enjoy oneof the best scenic views in the upper peninsula.
V. Keep riding west on H58 four more miles to the Hurricane River.Here you can take a 11/2 mile walk to the Au Sable Lighthouse (bikesare not allowed on the path). Along the way, check out the shipwreckswashed up on the beach in several places.
VI. Another 3.5 miles west will bring you to Twelvemile Beach. Thiscampground greets you with the purest stands of White Bircharound.
VII. Continue 6.5 miles to Kingston Lake and take time for a picniclunch.
VIII. After a rest, backtrack on H-58 east (left) for a mile and turneast (right) onto the Hurricane Truck Trail.
IX. Follow this road seven miles to its end at the Rhody Creek TruckTrail.
X. Turn left (north) and ride two miles back to H58.
XI. Either return to town (turn right), or to the Logslide (turnleft).

TRAIL 2 Kingston Plains Trail(46.5 miles)
I. Take H58 west to Kingston Lake (see Trail 1, steps I --VII).
II. From Kingston Lake, take H58 east (left) one mile and turn east(right) onto the Hurricane Truck Trail.
III. Ride seven miles to the Rhody Creek Truck Trail, and turn south(right).
IV. Enjoy five miles of winding canopied roads and dense forests thatguide you to the Adams Trail.
V. Turn west (right) and marvel at the surreal appearance of theKingston Plains that have never recovered from a fire that burned in1914.
VI. Peddle nine miles west to Four-Corners and follow the signsanother 4 1/2 north (right) miles back to Kingston Lake.

TRAIL 3 Rhody Creek Truck Trail and OldSeney Road (40 miles)
I. From Grand Marais, travel west on H58 to the intersection of theRhody Creek Truck Trail, which Is located 2 miles past Sable Lake(see Trail 1, steps I--Ill).
II. Turn south (left) and enjoy the curvy, canopied logging road(Rhody Creek Truck Trail) for five miles until you reach the AdamsTrail.
III. Turn left (east) and ride three miles to M 77. Enjoy severallakes and beaver ponds along the way.
IV. When you reach M77, you can either head north (left) down thehighway ten miles back into town, or you can turn south (right) tomake the long loop back into town.
V. Ride four miles south on M77 to what locals call "LavenderCorners" and turn east (left). At the intersection a little more thana half mile down, turn north (left) onto the Old Seney Road.
VI. This incredible 13.8 mile ride north will bring you throughcanopied roads, past the Grand Marais Airport, and down a fun onemile grade back to H58.
VII. Turn west (left) and ride 2.8 miles back to town.

TRAIL 4 Whitewash Trail (12.9miles)
I. From town travel H58 east 2.8 miles to the Old Seney Road.
II. Turn south (right) and ride past a beaver pond and up achallenging hill approximately 9/10 of a mile to the intersectionwith the Whitewash.
III. Take the Whitewash (left fork) and ride down a fairly ruggedtwo-track that has another uphill grade.
IV. Follow the Whitewash in a 3.5 mile counter-clockwise loop untilit reconnects with the Old Seney Road.
V. Turn north (right) on the Old Seney Road and ride 2.7 miles backto H58. Enjoy the down-hill grade that you had to climb at thebeginning of the trail.
VI. Turn west (left) on H58 and ride 2.8 miles back to town.

TRAIL 5-- School Forest Trail(18.2 miles)
I. Travel east from town on H58 for 4.1 miles to the entrance of theBurt Township School Forest (a little past the ski trails).
II. Turn north (left) onto the School Forest Road and ride a littleover a half mile to the neat one-lane bridge over the SuckerRiver.
III. Take the left fork (Sandy Lane) and ride 1/10th of a mile to thenext fork.
IV. Take the right fork and ride down Deer Lane (Piney Woods) 1/2mile to the next fork and bear right on the main two-track. Watch outfor the sand !
V. Over the next half-mile you will pass a few intersections and cometo another fork in a recently forested area: bear right.
VI. Continue on the same road for a quarter mile until it bends tothe left and guides you to the bluffoverlooking Lake Superior. Make sure you take some time off your biketo explore the beach and gain an appreciation for the power of LakeSuperior.
VII. Back track a half mile to the four-way intersection and turnsouth (left). If you want a shorter ride, you can also backtrack tothe original starting point by going straight.
VIII. Stay on the two-track for 1.8 miles until you peddle past therecently forested area. If you have never seen what a logging projectlooks like, it is worth the education to check it out.
IX. When you intersect the logging roads, bear right on the maintwo-track until you again reach the cover of a mature red pineforest.
X. Continue for a little over a mile over the small little fun hillsand curves until you reach H58.
XI. Turn right (west) onto H58 and ride two miles back to theentrance to the School Forest, or six miles back to town.

TRAIL 6 Blind Sucker FloodingTrail (41.3 miles)
I. For those that want to start at the Lake Superior State ForestCampground as a trail head, travel on H58 east from Grand Marais,past Old Seney Road and the School Forest for a total of 12.2 milesto the Lake Superior State Forest Campground.
II. If you are riding your bike from town, travel on H58 east andinstead of riding all the way to Lake Superior State ForestCampground, go east only six miles and look for the bridge going overthe Sucker River. If you continue on H58 where it turns to gravel,you went too far.
III. Turn south (right) onto county road 416 and follow the orangediamonds marking the snowmobile trail up Pull-Up Hill.
IV. Continue on 416 for eight miles. The trail bends down along thesouth bluff overlooking the Blind Sucker Flooding to head east.
V. When you reach a 3-way intersection,you can try a challenging spurby turning north (right) and ride down the bluff 3/10 of a mile toenjoy a beautiful spot next to the Blind Sucker Flooding. Make sureyou are ready to climb back up a tough hill.
VI. From the original approach direction, the fork that goes straightcontinues you on Trail 6 (country road 416). If you take the right(south) turn following the orange and white arrow, you will changeonto Trail 7.
VII. Once you continue on 416 going around the Blind Sucker Flooding,keep riding for 2.7 miles until you reach the end where the roadforms a t-intersection with 433. This stretch of very old loggingroad is narrow and quite rough with downed trees and severe ruts, sobe careful.
VIII.Turn north (left) on county road 433 and enjoy the ride downhill for 11/2 miles. Go past the Blind Sucker Flooding Campground #2,and county road 407. Once past 407, the road turns into H58.
IX. Continue down H58 riding north a half mile until the road makes aleft turn at the lakeshore. If the weather permits, and if you'rebrave, you may want to take a dip to refresh yourself in LakeSuperior. This section of beach, called Perry's Landing, is also agreat place to agate hunt.
X. To get back to the Lake Superior Forest Campground, ride a littlemore than a half mile west on H58.
XI. Continue 12.2 miles west on H58 to return to town.

TRAIL 7 Pretty Lake Trail (59miles)
I. Leave town on H58 going east and go 5.9 miles to county road 416,which is located just past the bridge going over the SuckerRiver.
II. Turn south (right) onto county road 416 and follow the orangediamonds marking the snowmobile trail up Pull-Up Hill.
III. Continue on 416 for eight miles. The trail bends down along thesouth bluff overlooking the Blind Sucker Flooding to head east.
IV. When you reach a 3-way intersection,you can try a challengingspur by turning north (right) and ride down the bluff 3/10 of a mileto enjoy a beautiful spot next to the Blind Sucker Flooding. Makesure you are ready to climb back up a tough hill.
V. To continue on Trail 7, turn south (right) from the originaldirection and follow the orange and white arrow down county road433.
VI. Follow this road 11 miles to the intersection which marks theentrance to both Pretty Lake Campground (to the right) and HollandLake Campground (to the left). Enjoy a picnic lunch if you are outfor the day, or camp overnight to turn the adventure into a two-dayride.
VII. Resume by backtracking west on 433 for three miles and turnnorth (right). These roads are not well marked, but there areactually a couple of different ones that will take you north torejoin 416.
VIII. Turn west (right) onto 416 and ride two miles past the firstintersection. Continue a half mile to another intersection and follow433 north.
IX. Follow Trail 6 steps VIII through XI to get back to town.


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